Chinese cosplay portion of website
Quiz: who runs the website shown in the above screenshot? (And don’t scroll down until you think about it!)
a) A Chinese news website
b) A Japanese comic book publisher
c) A municipal government from China
d) A group of Chinese comic book enthusiasts


Screenshot - Naruto ComicAnd the correct answer is… C! Yes, the city of Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province have teamed up to create this 90,000+ page monster comic book, animation and cosplay website. According to their site “ is China’s official comic and animation industry website sponsored by the Wenzhou City Literary Federation, co-sponsored by Wenzhou Animation and Comic Association and operated by Chinese Comics Internet Media Company.”
The website contains mini-sites devoted to what seems like hundreds of different comics and cartoons. There are hundreds of full copies of Naruto comics alone. I doubt there is another government website in any country that has such a large collection of pictures of women dressed up in skimpy fantasy garb.
The question I don’t have the answer to is “why?”
Screenshot of Chinese site - Cosplay girls attack

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